
Intro: My Journey Into Coding and the Butterfly Effect

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Hey, my name is Andy!

When I entered University as an undeclared freshman in honors I thought there would be a cutting edge system to help me figure out my major and my passion. That cutting edge system was some guy sitting me down in a chair and asking me to write down an ordered list of interests on a piece of paper (no offense to him, I'm sure he's out there doing cutting edge things). My #1 was Biology and #2 was Computer Science, but in reality I was a young kid that didn't know enough about anything for the items on my list to have any significance.

Anyways, I ended up taking 20 units of some incredibly hard biology classes that quarter and as some may know, it's very difficult to graduate on time if you suddenly decide to swap majors. A classic case of sunken cost fallacy, but at the time I didn't have the circumstances in life to freely change my path.

Fast forward a couple years, I didn't really see myself blossoming in the healthcare field and ultimately branched out towards fitness. While I was doing that I thought to myself: "Man, what if I wrote something different on that piece of paper."

A lot of things had happened between that moment in the past and when I had that thought, but ultimately I decided to turn my what-if into a reality. I picked up coding (which I would've done plenty of if I picked a different #1 that day) and found myself really enjoying the process. For the first time in awhile, I felt like I could apply what I was learning immediately. I also found that all the times I was tech-savvy and good at problem-solving weren't just coincidence, I actually had a knack for what was going on and really enjoyed learning and improving.

About Me: Extra

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In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with friends and getting a good workout in. Lately, my hobbies have been learning guitar (or at least attempting to), playing games, and watching long videos about random topics I'm interested in (philosophy, paradoxes, space, cryptids, history, gaming speedruns, random famous figures, psychology, etc.)

I love helping to promote physical culture whether it be through teaching people how to exercise or other means, my favorite sport being powerlifting. I hope in the future I'm able to combine the things I'm passionate about to create something new and inventive.